This program is an Icon Editor capable of creating .ico and .cur (icon and cursor) files containing icons of different sizes and color depths. The program is free. It needs Visual Basic 6 Run times to work. It is true freeware, this means you have no limits to use it either for commercial or non commercial purposes. Also you have no advertising, timeouts, Pop Ups, disabled functions, nag screens or a Pro version that you have to pay for. For any suggestion you want to make to the developer, you have a mailing list. One bother thing is the fact that if you have many users in your pc, only the user who installed the program can run it. The software has the usual toolbars you can find in every professional program. A file toolbar with the usual options, a drawing toolbar with the usual options too, a transformation toolbar which you can use to move, flip and rotate the image. Drawing icons can be very easy. You can do a professional work without pay any fees for that. As a web designer you should have the right tools for the job, and this is one you can't reject.